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I Talk You Talk Press EXTRA Language Learning Resources

For Schools/Libraries

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I Talk You Talk Press is committed to supporting language teachers and learners by providing interesting and effective materials at affordable prices.


Using I Talk you Talk Press graded readers in schools

For schools or educational institutions in Japan

If you would like to purchase our graded readers for your school or institution, you can do so in the following ways:

1. Order from Amazon (Paperback)

2. Order from your local or online bookseller (Paperback)

2. Order from Maruzen eBook Library (ebook)

3. Order from Kinokuniya Kinoden (ebook)




(Please note that our titles are available on XReading and eStation, and our ebooks are available through digital library systems. There are MReader quizzes available for all our books.)


For order-related enquiries, please contact Heather at: info(atmark)italk-youtalk(dot)com

For any other enquiries, please contact us at: info(atmark)italkyoutalk(dot)com


To bookstores/distributors

Thank you for your interest in our books. Unfortunately we do not sell at a discount to bookstores nor at wholesale prices through distributors. Thank you for your understanding.


For schools or educational institutions outside Japan

If you would like to purchase our graded readers in paperback format for your school or institution, you can order from Amazon, or your local or online bookseller.

(Please note that our titles are available on XReading, and our ebooks are available through ProQuest EBook Central, OverDrive and ODILO.)


For libraries outside Japan

If you would like to purchase our graded readers in ebook format for your library, you can order from ProQuest EBook Central, OverDrive or ODILO.

For order-related enquiries, please contact Heather at: info(atmark)italk-youtalk(dot)com

For any other enquiries, please contact us at: info(atmark)italkyoutalk(dot)com


Free resources for your school

For free resources for your school, please see our No Sweat! Series on the EFL Teaching Resources Page and our free resource site I Talk You Talk Press Extra.

We currently have three titles in our No Sweat! Series:

  • No Sweat! EFL Activities
  • No Sweat! EFL Role-plays
  • No Sweat! EFL Quizzes & Surveys

Each title is a downloadable PDF file, which you are entitled to print, photocopy and use in your classroom immediately.

Click here for a direct link to the download page.

We also have some free No Sweat! Lesson Plans based on our free Fast 500 Easy English stories on I Talk You Talk Press EXTRA.

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